We love connecting with one another here! There are many different ways for you to find your place among the community of believers and build lasting relationships that encourage and empower you. If you are looking for a place to belong and would like to gather more information about our ministries, this is a great place to discover how you can begin your journey here.


Laurelwood Men

The purpose of Men’s Ministry is to develop a thriving, inter-generational community of Christian men who, together, are resisting passivity, accepting responsibility, living courageously, and investing eternally.
(1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NASB)


We believe that this community reflects a lifestyle of worship – glorifying God in all we do. This community is accomplished through the components of fellowship, evangelism, discipleship, service and leadership. We want to know God intimately, have the zeal to walk as Jesus walked, and to reach others for Christ.



Fellowship builds relationships

Doing things with other men brings a healthy balance to life. Age should make no difference. Whether it is attending a breakfast, going to a retreat such as Men’s Round Up or our yearly event, you will be revived, inspired, and challenged to be a better friend, husband, father, and minister of the Gospel (Philippians 2:3 NASB).



The Gospel is Good News

Sharing what Jesus has done in your life can take place wherever you are at. Whether it is at home, school, the store, or on vacation, the key is to offer others the truth with grace (2 Timothy 1:9 NASB). Activities such as hiking, fishing, boating, hunting, sports, and camping are also non-threatening activities that can provide opportunities to share the gospel. A “7 for Heaven” card is a great tool to help reach those around you with this good news.



Growth is an On-going Process

Men are searching for answers to their “manhood” questions. Society is redefining what being a man should be. From responsibilities and roles to gender identification and sexual preferences, men are constantly being challenged with who they are and what model to follow. The biblical call is to renew the mind not simply follow the pattern of the world (Romans 12:2 NASB). Our quest must be to follow the biblical manhood modeled by Jesus Christ.


Current Study 

New Study will begin in September.  Watch here for more information.


Open to all men. Contact Doug Lundahl for more information.




Faith Cannot Be Without Works

Jesus came to serve not to be served (Mark 10:45 NASB). Helping our widows, seniors, single moms, and other attendees of our church through practical things such as repairs, painting, and moving is a start. Supporting the church through workdays or the annual picnic or other ministries in their efforts is another. Combine these with helping friends, neighborhoods, schools, and communities outside of the church, all model loving Jesus and people.


Current Service Opportunities

  • Prayer time for our church transition
    Thursday Evenings | 6:30 pm | Module 2


Men’s Ministry Campout | August 16 – 18th

Join the men of Laurelwood for a weekend of fellowship and tent camping at Cultus Creek Campground in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. Contact Mike Randall if you have any questions.


Sign up


Men’s Breakfast | August 3 | Worship Center | 8:30-10:AM

Join the men of Laurelwood for a w

Sign up



Check back later or see the announcements page for event information.


Laurelwood Women

Building Relationships

First Fridays  l  October-May @ 7 pm in the Worship Center

A casual time to connect through fellowship, testimony, and discussion. The first Friday of each month October-May at 7pm in the Worship Center. Details for each First Friday will be available one month prior, check back often for details!

Contact: Allison DeViney for more information


Did you miss one of the First Fridays?  Though we’d love to have you there with us, we know sometimes life is busy. We’re now posting recordings of our past speakers on our YouTube channel so you won’t miss out on the encouragement.  The only thing we can’t duplicate is the personal encouragement through relationships that happen when we meet in person, so we hope you’ll plan to join us next month!

You can view past First Friday events on our YouTube Channel


Cannon Beach Retreat



Women’s Retreat 2024

Exploring themes of purpose, value, and identity in original and sometimes unexpected ways, Allison’s passion is to lead people toward encountering the compassionate God she knows.

Who: All Laurelwood women and guests age 16+

Cost: $100 Deposit due 6/2 — no refunds after 6/2. Balance due 9/29 (see room sign-up for total cost, prices range from $205 to $295 based on room/bed)


Sign up


Bible Studies

We believe the word of God is the foundation for our spiritual growth. 

(2 Timothy 3:16-17)


Tuesday Mornings | 9:30 – 11:30 AM | Laurelwood Worship Center


Simply Jesus: Exploring the Seven “I AM” Statements of Christ
Facilitators: Connie Russell and Laurie Hall

The Apostle John recorded seven “I AM” statements in his Gospel. They’re tucked within the narratives of Jesus interacting with ordinary people and attending ordinary celebrations. In the mix of the ordinary, Jesus explained who he was and gave people an opportunity to respond to Him in faith. It’s my hope that, as we study and meditate on these “I AM” statements, we’ll also respond in faith and realize that Jesus is enough—Jesus is what we need for this life.


Books are free and will be distributed at the first class.

Class Begins on January 30th


Facilitator: Connie Pratt

The Acts of the Apostles is an amazing book that easily could be called The Acts of the Holy Spirit. It is a page-turner with signs and wonders, danger and intrigue, conflicts and confrontations. In this 30-lesson study, you will engage with ordinary people who do extraordinary things as God empowers them. You also will clearly see God’s love as He establishes His church. Engage Bible Studies connect you with the enduring truth of God’s Word. Come out of the clutter and clanging of our culture and discover the peace of meeting the God of the Bible in the pages of His Word. 



2nd and 4th Tuesday Evenings | 6:30 – 8:30 PM | Elizabeth Hightower’s Home


The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus We’re Aching For
Facilitator: Elizabeth Hightower

Immediately. Let’s go. Right away. Now. Get up. Then… Mark’s narrative moves quickly and you sense the action in the story of Jesus’ life. It’s teaching presented as the gospel – good news powerfully announced in a world of bad news. This gospel emphasizes not only that Jesus is “The Son of God” (1:1; 15:39) but also that this fact demands a response. The Gospel of Mark highlights Jesus’s unparalleled spiritual power and authority, leading us to consider for ourselves the question, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29). The Gospel of Mark: the Jesus we’re Aching For partners the compassion of Jesus with the passion of Christ. We see how the heart of God is moved by the heart of humanity and His response to our loud cry for help. We discover the world-changing result of being recipients of His compassion and the reason for His passion, all the way to the cross. Ultimately, Mark intends for the action-packed presentation of who Jesus is to lead us to acknowledge Jesus, find salvation in Him, and follow Him.


Link to order on Amazon

Begins January 9th


1st & 3rd Wednesday Mornings | 9:30-11:00 AM | Three-Sixty Coffee (162nd & Ward Rd)


Path to Purpose: A Study on the Book of Ecclesiastes
Facilitator: Allison DeViney

The book of Ecclesiastes reveals the despair and dissatisfaction that comes from a life apart from God and seeking after empty pursuits. Throughout this study, you will learn the answers to common questions many ask today such as, “What is my purpose on earth?” and “What is the purpose of life?” Through Solomon’s teachings, you will receive wisdom from his quest for meaning and satisfaction and see how the path to purpose is found in Jesus Christ.


Books are $10 and are available at the Women’s Kiosk.

Link to preview the book through Daily Grace Co

Begins February 7th

Sign up for a Bible Study!




Mentoring & Encouragement

There are times in life when it’s important to meet with others to offer encouragement or to celebrate!   (Romans 12:15)



Contact: Margie Ferris for more information

Mentoring is an intentional friendship among women of differing spiritual maturity. (Titus 2:3-5)


Are you interested in becoming a mentor? A mentor is a woman who is successfully navigating the seasons and experiences of life. She is a mature woman who is developing in faith and consistent in godly conduct.


Are you interested in being mentored? “Merea” is a Biblical Hebrew term that means young friend. A Merea is a woman who welcomes the insights and knowledge of a more mature woman. She desires to develop certain skills and/or strengths for her personal, spiritual journey.


Bridal and Baby Showers | Watch bulletin for upcoming showers


Oryann Gonzalez Baby Shower | April 13 | 11 a.m. | Worship Center

Come celebrate Oryann Gonzalez’s baby boy! Light snacks will be served. Baby boy is due in late April/Early May.


Contact: Sana Rheaume for more information

Our women love to celebrate the joys of new beginnings.  EVERYONE is welcome to come and be an encouragement! We celebrate women who are engaged or expecting their first baby born while attending Laurelwood.


Victorious Sisterhood  l  Watch bulletin for upcoming events

Contact: Elizabeth Hightower for more information

A special group for single, divorced and widowed women who have chosen to live VICTORIOUS LIVES IN CHRIST in spite of life’s circumstances. Meets every-other month.



Laurelwood Seniors



Laurelwood Seniors is comprised of active retired and semi-retired seniors who enjoy meeting for fellowship and support.  We have a Bible study which meets twice a month and a variety of activities planned during the year.  We invite senior members of the church and friends to join us in our time together.



Ministry Goals

Encourage seniors through fellowship and support
1. Scheduled regular or frequent opportunities when seniors can gather
2. Supporting each other through prayer, words of encouragement, and our time

Grow together by studying/reading God’s Word and worshipping Him
1. Bi-weekly Bible study and scripture reading
2. Worshipping through prayer and singing of hymns

Upcoming Activities

Please visit the church bulletins for announcements of planned activities.


Senior’s Ministry Spring Luncheon | April 18 | 12-2 p.m. | Worship Center
Please join us this April for a “taste” of Italy. Our guest speaker will be Luke Tanaka, and special music will be shared with us by Don and Judy Ebel. The price for lunch is $10.00 per person which must be paid when signing up before or after church on either March 24 or April 7 at the Seniors’ kiosk. (No sign up on Easter) Late sign-ups and walk-ins will not be accepted.


Seniors’ –  Nehemiah Brown – Ministering in Music and Word
May 9th | 1 p.m. | Worship Center
Join us for refreshments as Nehemiah ministers to us in music and word. Sign up at the Kiosks on April 28 and May 5. CD’s will be available for a free will offering.


LBC Beginning Adults

Vision statement

“Joining Young adults together to prepare them to face the world in fellowship with Christ”


At Young Adults, we strive to be intentional and authentic in our fellowship by sharing the highs and lows of our weeks with each other and choosing studies specific to the passions and desires of the group. We want to build each other up as we grow together in this strange but exciting transition from youth to adulthood. God intended for us to be in community with fellow believers, so we encourage any young adults looking for that to connect with us.


Group verse:  “Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12


Meets 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays from 7-9 p.m. at the Lundahl home. (Excluding July 1st, 2024)

Contact Doug or Rebecca Lundahl for more information.




Please contact the office for more information or questions about these ministries.