Becoming Laurelwood

This week, we conclude our Becoming Laurelwood series, as we look at the final principle: Bearing Fruit. In this text in Ephesians, we will see why the gospel message is one worth giving our whole lives to. See you soon.

This coming week, we look at the third priority that will guide us going forward. In many ways, it’s what the first and second are driving towards: a vision for purpose and an endearing vision beyond ourselves that will carry the church for centuries…

This week, we will look at our Old Testament picture of the priority of loving one another. You don’t want to miss this.

This week, we look at the second priority which will drive us here at Laurelwood in the future. It may be the most rewarding and challenging task. See you soon.

This week we will look at what happens when we walk closely and stay rooted in God by looking at David in this well known text.

This coming week we are beginning our series called “Becoming Laurelwood.” Over the next six weeks, we will unpack what are the core priorities at the heart of Christ and journey to try and see us as a church unite around this! Looking forward to being together.