Following Jesus Together

All of us have been hurt, frustrated, and angered over the death of George Floyd and what has happened in our nation and around the world following his brutal and senseless death.  How does a follower of Christ make a difference in this life?  Join us as we look for answers as we finish this series on Following Jesus Together in “Go and Make.”

When I was 13, I made a decision to re-dedicate my life to Christ and follow him with my whole heart. That decision was a moment where I said no to living how I wanted to live, and yes to living the way God wanted me to live. Essentially, I made the decision to die to my fleshly desires and follow God. Join us this Sunday as we unpack what it means to Come and Die and how we all are called to Follow Jesus Together.

As Jesus began His earthly ministry he spent time walking through the land, healing many and teaching crowds.  But it was to a few men He called to “Come and Follow.”  As we seek to Follow Jesus Together as a church, let’s look at this next level of growth in our discipleship journey.

Most churches are designed for church people. They have a tendency to cater to meeting their own needs and interests instead of engaging the lost with the Gospel.  Yet, Jesus, the holiest person in the world attracted the worst of the crowd.  It was the religious people who were offended by Jesus and even called Him, “a friend of sinners”; and God was okay with that.  How should the disciples of Christ connect with those who need Christ to follow after Christ together?

Following Jesus together as one church body seems like a simply task. However, there are many things working against us as a church. Together we will be taking a look at the unique roles that Paul gives to us in our life stages, and dispelling some of the lies that prevent us from fulfilling those roles.

Who are the people that helped you understand what it meant to be a follower of Christ?  How are you currently helping others do the same?  Join us as we look at the role of the church in following Jesus together in “Intentional Intergenerational Discipleship”

One of the major things that is happening with this pandemic is the fact that we must stay at home; parents, children, youth…24/7. What is it that God might be doing for us at this unique time and situation? Join us as we look at “Home Grown Disciplemaking.”

Living in a pandemic is a game changer for schools, businesses, and families. How should it change us as a church who currently cannot meet together for worship and fellowship but are called to make disciples? Join us as we begin a new series, “Following Jesus Together”.