Journey To The Cross

If Jesus were to come to town today, how would he be received by your community? Your co-workers, friends, fellow students or neighbors? How would you respond to His coming?  Join us this Sunday as we learn what Palm Sunday means to all of us in, “Here Comes Jesus.” 

We live in a post Christian culture where everything seems to be okay to talk about except Jesus. Yet, we are called to be witnesses and, like the disciples who went before us, we should expect some pushback and even difficulties as we talk and live out our faith. But the question is this; Is it worth it? Is it better to keep quiet and avoid the hassle or risk the threat of being misunderstood, cancelled or worse? Join us this Sunday as we answer that question, “Is It Worth It?”

People are looking for personal fulfillment, happiness, and peace yet find disappointment and brokenness. Yet, as Jesus walked on earth He told us what that most important thing to do in all of life.