We are living in the information age and being overrun with all the stories, truths, opinions, lies, data, and material that comes to us every day. How do we navigate this sea of information that threatens to drown us? How do we help the generation to follow the way they need to go?
We, as disciples of Christ are mandated to share our faith to this next generation. Join me as we look at a Psalm that had this very truth in mind.
Every family has certain times that are special to them, certain ways of doing things, specific words and names they use with one another. If you are part of the family of God, isn’t there a certain way we should speak, act, and things we should celebrate?
With more and more young people leaving the church and a growing sense of our society seeing the church as irrelevant and hypocritical, what difference does the church really make? What is God’s purpose for His church today?
A baby is born and they grow up to be a certain kind of person. While there are no guarantees about how life will turn out, is there a way to invest in children, youth and young adults that will help them win instead of lose? What can you do as a parent, grandparent, Aunt, Uncle or adult who cares about kids that will make a positive difference in their lives?
Most of us have heard about identity theft. Those who have experienced it personally realize how frustrating and devastating it can be to your reputation, security, and finances. But did you know that there is a growing rise in Christian identity theft?
No matter what family of origin you came from, if you know Christ you are part of the family of God. We begin a new series called “Life Together” where we are going to look at what life looks like as we follow Jesus together.
We hear about elders, but why is the role of elder such an important position in the context of the church? And how does one qualify for such a role? We will look to Scripture to see how the early church filled and executed the position of elder and overseer.
You’ve probably heard it from a parent or maybe a favorite Aunt or Uncle at some point in your life, “It is better to give than to receive.” While that might be true for them, but is it true for you?
Fear is like a bully. It threatens to beat us up on a daily basis. Sherman Burford said it, “Too many people feel it is easier to just to pay the bully than it is to learn how to defeat him.” This Sunday, let’s stop paying the bully of fear and decide instead that “It’s Christmas: Time to Face Your Fears.”
While everyone has their own ways of celebrating Christmas it’s important to be reminded of what God had in mind that first Christmas. Join us this Sunday as we take a fresh look at this wonderful story in “It’s Christmas: For All People.”
What would it take for your family member, friend or neighbor to believe in Jesus? What did it take for you to believe? As we conclude this series on the Gospel of John, let’s look at what God will do to help those who don’t get it to see and know Him.
We make decisions every day, probably a hundred or more, but some choices change us. But, there’s a decision that you must make that is more important than any other life changing decision you will ever make.
If you choose to follow Christ your faith will be tested, your values will be questioned, and your beliefs will face pushback. We live in a dark and distorted world where choosing to take a stand for Christ can have some pretty serious consequences. We must walk by faith.
It is easier to get people to give money than it is to get people to pray. Yet, Jesus would often spend a whole night in prayer. If Jesus, the Son of God, thought it was important to pray, shouldn’t we make it more of a priority? How did Jesus pray for us?