What happens when we lose connection with the Lord? When we go through the motions in our relationship with Him? When other things become more important to us than spending time with Him in worship, in His Word or prayer?
There are many examples and people that you could aspire to be. There are many you could want to emulate and be like. But John 13 gives us the ultimate example of Who we should be like.
What do you do when what you believe about God doesn’t line up with what you are experiencing in life? If God is good… if He is powerful…if He knows all things…where is God in my tragedy and what is He doing if He is doing anything at all?
Is darkness for you, bliss? Might there be something compelling about stepping out of the darkness into the light? Join us as we look at “Jesus, The Light Of The World”
Whenever Jesus met with people He changed their lives. Who are the people in your life that need to know who Jesus is? Who are those hurting around you? Jesus is what they need.
Have you ever noticed all the different places where John 3:16 is displayed? Maybe an even more important question to ask is “What do they believe about Jesus?” What would you say to someone who was curious about Jesus but not convinced?
What does it mean to be a follower of Christ and how come we seem to have such a hard time following Him ourselves and getting others to follow Him? Am I a follower of Christ? Are you?
This Sunday, as we begin this new series, join us as we answer the question of who Jesus is and why that is so important for us to know Him.
Some people equate mercy as saying yes to everything whether it is right or wrong. Others see mercy as an abandonment of God’s standards and truth. The truth is that mercy finds its origins in God Himself and it is one of the key attributes He calls us to model if we are followers of Christ.
God gives us many gifts, talents and abilities, but changing someone else’s heart is not one of them. Changing hearts is God’s job. This Sunday we will looking at the challenge in Matthew 7 that we all have a plank in our eye and how that plank affects our ability to see that we are powerless to change anyone else but ourselves.
We are saved by grace through faith, but God didn't stop there with His grace. He wants us to live by the power of His grace and has given us what we need to live for Him.
Confession can be a hard thing to do, yet it is a biblically rooted principal. With all the things that take our attention away from God (sometimes called false gods), there is much to confess about.
When people talk about you, how do they describe you? Whatever they say, it’s directly related to your character, whether good or bad. The Bible says a lot about the building up of good character, but how do we reflect the character of Jesus so that when people see us they see the heart of God?
No one on earth is untouched by folly. We are born with it and suffer the consequences of our own foolishness and that of others throughout our lives. But foolishness is nothing to fool around with.
We are living in a day when everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes. How should we view authority and recognize it in our own lives?