We live in a time where our affiliations, income brackets, and political leanings keep us divided. We grumble about the people on the other side, and it keeps us from reaching the lost or from being rescued ourselves. Join me as we look at three stories and explore how Jesus rescues and redeems the lost.
We will explore the discipleship process. Our goal is not to go into the nuts and bolts, but to draw encouragement for the journey. The best view of the discipleship process may be the long view but it is also a fantastic view!
Are you stressed out, worn out, overwhelmed? Most of us would probably say yes for any number of reasons; family pressures, peer pressures, health issues, work issues,… It is in this context of life that Jesus offers us His rest. How can we obtain it?
The bible is not a boring book of laws, it’s a story. How do God’s laws fit into the beautiful and exciting story of the scriptures?
"Quiet!” You yell to silence everyone in the room but what have you accomplished? Is it enough to control someone’s behavior or to see a change of heart? As a parent, grandparent, teacher, or someone who leads others, what is it that you are trying to accomplish? Controlling behavior or changing lives?
Today’s average lifespan for a person living in the US is 71 years. What are you going to do with that time? Where is God in all of your days and nights?
How does a Christian deal with the difficult people in their lives? How does the Gospel transform our thinking about the people we lead, we work with, we live with and love?
It's hard to know what is genuine, or who is the real deal. Can you name the qualities that would mark you as a fully-devoted follower of Jesus?
There isn’t a single one of us who hasn’t been criticized, bullied, or shamed for something we said or did. How do you face the critics in your life? You can try and avoid them, which never seems to work. You can try and attack them, which may make things worse. You can even try to live with it which makes your life worse. Is there a better way?
Ever been misunderstood? Don’t you find that it is even more painful to be misunderstood by the people who are closest to you? As a Christian you can count on being misunderstood. How we face that misunderstanding can be a matter of life and death to those around us.
Most critics will say that the church is only interested in your money. But more fundamental to the conversation is the question, “Whose money is it?” If God is the source of “every perfect gift”, James 1:17, then what does God have to say about what He’s already given us?
You may have heard the expression, “You always hurt the one you love” but have you considered that there are times when the most loving thing you can do is to hurt them?
As a Christian you can count on being misunderstood. How we face that misunderstanding can be a matter of life and death to those around us.
Is there more to the Gospel than confessing our sin and believing in Jesus? What happens when the Gospel gets a hold of our lives?