Special guest speaker, Joseph Vallejo, sharing on the 7th Commandment
Due to an operator error, the first 5 minutes of the sermon were not recorded. Included in the missing portion was a reading of Matthew 5:21-26, Exodus 20:13, and Numbers 35:16-20. Jerry asked the question--What is murder and where does it come from?--when the recording begins.
Due to operator error, the first 6 minutes of the sermon were not recorded. This included an introduction with Kevin's daughter (Callie) and an example of how some people think that "honoring" just means obeying.
Commandment number 4
Commandment #3: Do not take the Lord's name in vain
You shall have no other gods before Me
An overview of why God gave us the Ten Commandments
Jerry Matte, Tom Hoffman, and Herman Chan share insights and lessons learned from the Men's Leadership Class
Dan Friesen, Anthony Domingo, and Don Brockage share insights and lessons learned from the Men's Leadership Class
Joseph Vallejo, Michael Henry and Steve Lantz share insights and lessons learned from the Men's Leadership Class
Special guest Scott DeViney shares how to stay balanced on the correct path; not falling to right or left.
Walking into the Zone of the Unknown
What's the best way to share your faith?
How NOT to be a witness!
Sometimes, to really do evangelism, you just have to walk across the room