John Burleigh and Stew Stixrud from the Leadership Class share what God has taught them.
Ryan Close, Dave Stephenson, and Luke Jech from the Leadership Class share what God has taught them.
Mike Lewis, Michael Sampson, and Tyler Rosu. Week 1 hearing from the 9 men in Pastor Mike's Leadership Class
What's your story to share?
Watching for the divine appointments that God brings your way.
How to witness; even when it seems like what you do isn't working!
Easter Sunday!
Palm Sunday Jesus came to town...
How to effectively witness to those in your influence
What do you do when your prayers don't seem to be answered?
Strategies to grow in your prayer life
Pastor Jim Cottrell from Freedom House Ministries shares the power of prayer
What does it look like to have effective prayers?
Missionary Dave Patty shares his own journey of praying and waiting on God
Looking at The Lord's Prayer