One of the major things that is happening with this pandemic is the fact that we must stay at home; parents, children, youth…24/7. What is it that God might be doing for us at this unique time and situation? Join us as we look at “Home Grown Disciplemaking.”
Living in a pandemic is a game changer for schools, businesses, and families. How should it change us as a church who currently cannot meet together for worship and fellowship but are called to make disciples? Join us as we begin a new series, “Following Jesus Together”.
For many, Easter is a day to sleep in, eat chocolate, and hide eggs for the kids to find. But for those who know the truth, this day changes everything. Join us this Easter to understand the difference this day makes to you in “Jesus: King of Kings”
Week three of our global pandemic. Some of us are feeling anxious, some of us have doubts, and we all don’t know how long it will last nor the impact it will have on us, our families and our country. Palm Sunday, usually a time of great celebration for the church, is now remembered in our homes today. What does Jesus have to say to us during our crisis? Join us as we look at “Finding Christ in our Crisis.”
Never before has the church been called upon to be a light shining in the darkness. Together we can live out and share the Gospel so that it becomes embraced by a world needing love and hope. Join us this Sunday as we go livestream at 10:15 and then hear, “The Power of Community.”
The Coronavirus has changed everything but God is on the throne! How should the church respond to the changes and challenges that we are facing today? Join us this Sunday for a live cast at 10:15 and the sermon to follow, “Blessed to Be a Blessing.”
This Sunday we will be continuing our series through Romans as we look at chapter 14. In this chapter, Paul calls the church of Rome to be unified despite their divisions and different convictions. While we may no longer have divisions over Kosher or Sabbath laws such as the church of Rome did, we still face many divisions within our church. Whether it’s political parties, theological differences, or how to live within our current culture, many people within our church hold different views on these topics.
Since we are not able to meet together, a video recording of the sermon is available here.
It’s an election year and we are already tired of all the advertisements, media coverage, and the nastiness that politics brings. How does a follower of Christ respond to all of that?
When you understand who Jesus is and what He has done for you, how do you respond to it? What does it look like to be “all in” for Jesus?
Ever face a person or situation where you assumed something that was later proven wrong? Of course you have. We have all made snap judgements of our routines as well as people. Ever made some of those snap decisions when it comes to God?
Most people can tell what Christians are against, but do they really know what we are for? The Gospel is Good News and it’s the only news that will give people eternal life. For all of us who have friends and family that don’t know the Lord and for all of those who are not sure of their eternal destination, this message is for you.
On Superbowl Sunday, it doesn't matter if your favorite team is playing or not, one team will declare victory today. For those who follow after Christ, you, too, can declare victory in life.
Chances are this past week you said something you shouldn’t have. I bet this last week that you felt guilty for something. What’s wrong with you? It’s the same thing that is wrong with me and was wrong with the Apostle Paul. It's the War Within
We wrestle today with a lot of the disagreements and questions that Jews and Gentiles had thousands of years ago, such as “How do we balance God’s grace and freedom in Christ with His commands?” or “What’s the difference between following God in a legalistic way versus following God by the Holy Spirit?” How do we respond today to these questions?
Martin Luther, as he spoke about temptation, said it well, “You cannot keep birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair”. The question is, “How do we keep them from building their nests?” Join us this Sunday as we continue our “Gospel Truth” series in Romans in, “How To Avoid Temptation.”