This week, we will look at our Old Testament picture of the priority of loving one another. You don’t want to miss this.
This week, we look at the second priority which will drive us here at Laurelwood in the future. It may be the most rewarding and challenging task. See you soon.
This week we will look at what happens when we walk closely and stay rooted in God by looking at David in this well known text.
This coming week we are beginning our series called “Becoming Laurelwood.” Over the next six weeks, we will unpack what are the core priorities at the heart of Christ and journey to try and see us as a church unite around this! Looking forward to being together.
This Coming Week, we will be taking a look at what God has been doing in our church this last year! I’m excited to look at His work in our church. In addition, I will share what I see is next for Laurelwood. This is one you don’t want to miss. See you Sunday!
This coming week, we will continue our march through Philippians 3 by looking at Philippians 3:12-16. In it, we will see just how we can get stuck in our relationship with Christ and how to get unstuck. I’ll see you Sunday.
In Philippians 3:4-11, The Holy Spirit reveals in His Word what the great pursuit is to be in all of our lives. Part One of Two
Do you realize the power that each of us as believers has for this life? Jesus said to His disciples that “they would receive power, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you . . .” Jesus has given us incredible power that He wants us to live from and show others in order that they might see who God is and want to believe in Him. Are you tapping into this power?
We live in a world filled with influencers and advertisements that try to tell us how to spend our lives. But God’s word would seem to point us in a different direction. This Sunday, come and hear from God on what’s worth living for and why.
In a world where there seems to be endless reasons to be divided, we will take a look today at how the church can remain united. Our unity can be a breath of fresh air to those who are used to the selfishness and arguing that is so common to human nature. This Sunday, come and learn how we can keep the unity that Jesus has already created for us. He has given us new life that is meant to be lived with the rest of His body, so unity is crucial for the body to be healthy.
Only God can judge the true greatness of a church, but one thing is sure: Great churches are made up of people who pray! Prayer was a vital part of the ministry of the Early Church and prayer gave the church great power for evangelism and discipleship. This Sunday, come learn how to pray for your pastors. When you pray for your pastors, you give them the most significant gift possible.
On this Palm Sunday we will examine Luke 19:28-44.We will celebrate that Jesus is King! He is Lord of all! He is in charge of everything! We do not need to fear earthquakes, fires, floods, or other catastrophes, He rules over every nation's ruler and the world economy. No need to fear your future, for your family, your job or our church. Jesus is King of Kings!
We are in our second week in our series entitled Not by Sight: Fresh Stories of Walking By Faith. This week, we will learn how to move forward in spite of our past. We see how Jesus Christ helped a woman move forward with a past. See you Sunday.
One of the most profound truths to believe and apply every day is a simple children’s song hook: “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” This statement is really at the heart of our faith. All of our decisions in our Christian walk stem from how much we believe this little line in a children’s song. As such, the most transformative truths in our faith are the simple ones. This coming Sunday, we come to a familiar story with a profound truth that God wants you to rely on him every day. A simple truth, yet one that if you will apply this everyday will transform your life from a life of fear to one of faith.