This week we will continue through our study in Romans. The text will be about our silence and God's silence.
This week, we continue looking at Romans. Throughout the first 3 chapters, Paul is building on his great argument: Everybody needs the righteousness found in Christ, because no one is righteous on their own. This week, he will continue to advance his argument on his Jewish brethren by looking at the question of what makes you one of God's people.
This week, we continue to see why we need what God offers us in the Gospel by looking at the importance of remembering.
This week, we begin studying through the letter of Romans. As we begin, we will see why we need what God offers us in Jesus Christ. Also, throughout our study of the letter we will be memorizing some Scripture to better hide God's Word in our hearts. Last week, we started memorizing Paul's thesis statement: Romans 1:16-17, and we will go over it again Sunday.
I'm excited to share with you where I feel the Lord is leading us next as we start the school year.
The part Hannah plays in the story of Jesus seems almost insignificant, covered in a mere chapter and a half of the Bible. Praying fervently for a child while her rival taunts her, Hannah is so thankful for God answering her prayer that she then does something so extreme, it’s almost beyond understanding. Join us this Sunday for some extra “Defining Moments” as we look at the life of Hannah.
When you think of greatness what comes into your mind? Perhaps names of people in sports like Michael Jordan, Tom Brady or Simon Biles. Or, perhaps, you think of people who were able to bring unity and stability in a time where both were lacking. History tells us men like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Reagan and others are to be admired as great leaders. But according to God's opinion, what constitutes greatness? Looking at the record of Scripture, the quality that makes someone great in His eyes is faithfulness. This coming Sunday, we will be looking at Stephen, the deacon and martyr of the early church. As we look at his life, we will see that God's great ones are defined by their faithfulness to Jesus no matter the cost.
Agendas. Everyone depends on them to get things done. But what happens when our agenda seems more important than the Lord’s agenda for us? What happens when they collide? Come and see what happened to Martha.
The Apostle Paul had a goal of winning people for Christ. In order to win, he took his unique journey and developed a strategy. As we look at his life, we will learn how to do the same.
This week, we will look at one of the most infamous men in Scripture, Judas Iscariot. In looking at this story, we will see that given enough time, we all live out what we love.
This week we will continue our summer series: Defining Moments of the New Testament. In our busy lives, we often struggle to focus on God. Join us as we reflect on Mary of Bethany’s defining moment where she chose to sit at the feet of Jesus. We will examine what it means to "sit at his feet" and explore how we can do the same.
This week, we begin our summer series: Defining Moments Of The New Testament. Just like last summer, we will be looking at different men and women of the Bible as models to help us in our faith. With each person, we will look at moments that shaped them. Within these studies are principles for us to glean, truths for us to ponder and a Savior to behold.
God is eternal and infinite, not bound by space or time. Thus, the idea of him going out of his way seems strange. But in our passage we see how God in Christ went out of his way to give “living water” to an outcast, who then brought an entire rejected community to faith.
This week, we conclude our Becoming Laurelwood series, as we look at the final principle: Bearing Fruit. In this text in Ephesians, we will see why the gospel message is one worth giving our whole lives to. See you soon.
This coming week, we look at the third priority that will guide us going forward. In many ways, it’s what the first and second are driving towards: a vision for purpose and an endearing vision beyond ourselves that will carry the church for centuries…